“Like the stories of our lives, the contrails of an aircraft move forward, reflecting on our past, rejoicing in our present and pointing to our future. Flight is the journey of life. With my work, I wish that the essence of the human soul materializes through the metaphor of flight.”
About the Artist:
PilotO, is a unique aviation artist, with a piloting, strong science and business background. PilotO reconnected with his childhood passion for drawing and painting after more than twenty years involved in the aviation and aerospace industries as an engineering student, airline transport pilot flying Boeing 747’s worldwide and also as a successful international executive and consultant. IFS exclusively represents PilotO’s work and collectors are deeply touched by his unique, simple, yet powerful paintings, painted model aircraft and aircraft three dimensional collage compositions and assemblages.
PilotO’s aerospace bound life story details are intriguing and engaging. Starting his craft at a very early age, he was known for selling self-adhesive photo collages to his peers in primary schools to decorate their school books, motor scooters and even room wallpapers. Model airplanes, sketches and early day canvases, often given as gifts to aspiring aviators and charities are scattered around the world.
PilotO’s is an early “mature” artist, in his early forties. His life career makes some of his work’s details and “style context” accurate yet simple and inspired. His work exudes the soul of one who, flying around the world for years, has been impregnated and fascinated with the views outside “cockpit” windows. PilotO innocently and with simple, sometimes “child like” naïve elegance re creates the drama and the “spectacle” of the sky as a magnificent gate to mankind’s universes of dreams and passions……..both known and familiar yet unknown and mysterious.
His work’s statement are subtle, poetic, yet swift and dynamic as the images he must have seen and emotions felt through the cumulative hours, days or even years spent aloft.